> Foursabsolutes.info Recoveryy History Resource Site :: Home

“It is highly important that the factual material be placed in our files in such a way that there can be no substantial distortion..."— Bill W., 1957 

This site is designed as a library dedicated to researching the history of Alcoholics Anonymous and is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.  Located throughout the site are speaker files, information on the history of Dipsomania, Inebriety, Temperance, The Oxford Group, and Early History on the foundation of the 12 step recovery program Alcoholics Anonymous.  The topics are for anyone interested in the history of alcoholism and the founding of the 12 step recovery program.  This site is not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous and is provided solely for educational and research purposes. By entering and using this website you agree to our legal and privacy statements which can be read here.